To schedule an appointment with a Sports Medicine physician, call 608-643-7677.
Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s Sports Medicine team includes a connected network of professionals to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate sports injuries. Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s Sports Medicine doctors work closely with our Orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation therapists, and certified athletic trainers to provide comprehensive sports primary care and a wide range of treatment options. Our primary care Sports Medicine physicians have specialized training in treatment and prevention of injury and illness. We help athletes and everyday active individuals of all ages function at their highest level and minimize disability or time away from sports, work or school.
Our team helps treat and prevent many conditions, and offers services for athletes including:
Knee injuries can occur suddenly with a sprain or tear of a ligament, or overtime with overuse. Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s Sports Medicine physicians treat knee sports injuries including: ACL tear, PCL tear, MCL and LCL tear, meniscal tear, patellar bursitis, patellar tendonitis, runner’s knee, and degenerative knee arthritis.
The Sports Medicine doctors at Sauk Prairie Healthcare are experienced in evaluating and treating hip injuries caused by playing sports. Sauk Prairie Healthcare Sports Medicine doctors often treat these common hip conditions which athletes may experience: hip tendonitis, greater trochanteric pain syndrome, hip bursitis, osteoarthritis, hip labral tear, and growth plate injuries.
The shoulder is prone to injury when we fall, throw something a little too hard or repeat the same movement too many times. Sauk Prairie Healthcare Sports Medicine doctors often treat these common shoulder injuries: dislocated shoulder, AC separation, labral tear, rotator cuff tear, shoulder osteoarthritis, shoulder tendonitis, and shoulder bursitis.
Even the most talented athlete can suffer an ankle injury in moments of imbalance, athletic stress, and sudden strain. The Sports Medicine specialists at Sauk Prairie Healthcare commonly see athletes with ankle sprains and strains, ankle fracture, Achilles tendonitis, and ankle OCD.
A concussion is caused by a direct or indirect blow to the head or body. It is any injury to a person’s brain, even if it’s mild. Even a brief change in your mental function constitutes a brain injury that requires monitoring and protection. Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s Sports Medicine doctors in Sauk Prairie, Lodi and Spring Green manage and treat concussions so you can safely recover and return to play.
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