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I-39 Supply Donates Use of 3 Trailers to Sauk Prairie Healthcare and Prairie Clinic

doctor standing outside of a tent

Trailers Replace Tents for Curbside COVID-19 Testing

Dr. Ellen Olson gowned up and ready to see patients from a tent at Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s River Valley Clinic before the arrival of the trailer from I-39 Supply.

Your financial support is needed now more than ever

Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know. An interesting chain of relationships resulted in Sauk Prairie Healthcare Foundation procuring three trailers to be used at area clinics as they perform curbside testing for COVID-19.

Here’s the story:

Since late March, the Sauk Prairie Healthcare Lodi and River Valley (Spring Green) Clinics, as well as the Prairie Clinic in Sauk City have been using tents to facilitate curbside COVID-19 testing. The tents are not ideal, and with the recent windy and cold weather, they needed to be replaced.

Todd Wuerger, Executive Director of Sauk Prairie Healthcare Foundation, was charged with finding a replacement for the tents. Todd didn’t think he knew anyone in the trailer business, but then a light bulb went off.

Todd said, “It all started with a business card. I met one of our former patients, Ed Prochaska, at one of the joint replacement reunion luncheons the hospital hosts at the Dorf Haus. Ed and I had a nice conversation and he gave me his card. He co-owns Middleton and Sun Prairie Power Center. I wasn’t exactly sure what they did but figured if anyone knew where I could find a trailer, Ed would.

“Ed was not there when I called, but the person answering the phone turned out to be Brett Suchla, a friend of mine — our boys play hockey together. He didn’t have any enclosed trailers, but suggested I call Peter Tonn, the owner of I-39 Supply in Portage, because they have several. When I called Peter, he was incredibly gracious and said he absolutely wanted to support this effort. He ended up donating the use of three trailers for each of the clinics.”

Trailer Full of Supplies for COVID-19

One of the trailers I-39 Supply donated is already in use at Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s River Valley Clinic. I-39 Supply donated the use of three trailers to local clinics to help workers who are performing curbside testing for COVID-19.

Peter Tonn lives a block away from the Lodi Clinic. “I received the call from Todd, looking for a trailer and I was happy to help. I know healthcare workers are on the front lines and they’re putting themselves at risk every single day. By providing these trailers, we are making it easier for them to help our families, friends and neighbors. It was totally the right thing to do.”
The trailers have been located at each of the clinics and are already in use.

Ellen Olson, MD, a family physician with Sauk Prairie Healthcare’s River Valley Clinic, had been working along with the other providers weathering the conditions outside the clinic to do curbside COVID-19 testing.

She said, “The weather this week has been particularly brutal with the bitterly cold wind. On Tuesday, we were all blessed with the delivery of a trailer from I-39 Supply. I was fortunate to see the first patient in a comfortable warm trailer. The patient was thankful, and we are forever grateful. Undoubtedly, we will continue to test patients for COVID-19 for months to come. Thanks to I-39 Supply for this wonderful donation that keeps us going as we weather the COVID-19 storm.”

In addition to procuring trailers, the Foundation is actively raising funds to support the additional needs to care for patients with COVID-19. The hospital is purchased:

  • Disinfecting equipment and solutions
  • Personal protective gear for hospital staff including respiratory face protection for mouth, nose and eyes
  • Medical equipment and supplies for patients such as IV pumps, monitors and filters

This equipment alone will cost close to $170,000. The community is encouraged to give.

Or send a check with “Greatest Need” in the memo to:

Sauk Prairie Healthcare Foundation
260 26th Street
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578

Thank you for your support.